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  • Writer's pictureMatej

Day 6 – Compare the Characters to Each Other – Learn to Study the Bible Series

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

Today’s study has six simple steps.

  1. Pray. As on previous days, confess your sins, invite God to your study and into your heart and, if time permits, worship Him in song. For more details about prayer, see The Biggest Mistake We Make When Reading the Bible.

  2. Find the list of characters that you made in your notes on Day 2.

  3. Compare each character or group of characters with all the others. For example, compare God and Jonah, then God and the captain of the ship, then God and the sailors, and so on. While comparing, use your previous notes about each character.

  4. As always, take detailed notes about each comparison and all your new observations and conclusions.

  5. If comparing all the characters takes more time than you have in one day, divide the study into two or more days.

  6. Pray. Talk to God about what you’ve just learned. Prayer should always be the culmination of your Bible study because fellowship with God is one of the main goals of studying Scripture.

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See you on the next post. Until then, dive into Scripture every day – observe thoroughly, interpret carefully and apply with all your heart in order to become more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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