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The Process of Bible Study: Learn to Study the Bible Step by Step

Studying the Bible is exciting in all shapes and sizes because you get to know God better. The process of Bible study can vary depending on whether you want to study a passage, a whole book, a topic, a character, a period of biblical history, texts of a certain kind of biblical literature, etc. Many steps are the same in all these types of study, but their order is usually different.

All of that may sound overwhelming, but actually it's good news – you don't have to study the same way all the time. You can start by studying a short book, than study a character and then decide whether to study another book or character or do a topic instead. The most important thing is to constantly immerse yourself in the Word of God, to meet with God daily, to keep getting to know him better and to grow in Christlikeness.

Of all approaches mentioned, studying a whole book of the Bible, passage by passage, is the most comprehensive and versatile. If you finish such a book study, you will simultaneously learn to study characters, topics, key words, different kinds of literature, etc. This is why this section will provide you with practical, step by step guide for studying a biblical book in a passage by passage manner. Specific guides for other types of study will be provided at some point in the future.

Studying the Bible is a lifelong journey. Take a step today. Start here.

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